18 Months Old - June bug update

Holy cow … I’m not sure how but our baby is a year and a half old! I simply cannot believe it. If you missed her 15 month update, you can see it here. It was over a year ago that I decided to take a parenting leave and took this past school year off from teaching and now that it’s already June, I cannot believe that my year off will be quickly coming to an end in under two months. Needless to say, I’m trying to soak up every single minute while willing time to just slow down please! (If you’re just here for the cute pics, scroll all the way down!)

Juno had her 18 month well check last week and goodness has she grown! She is 31 & 1/2 inches tall and has grown three inches since December! I’m also excited to report that we now have a twenty pounder on our hands … weighing in at 20.4 lbs (with her clothes, shoes and diapers on because she wouldn’t let us get a naked weight at the doctors — ha)! Sweet pea is in the 4th percentile for weight, the 39th percentile for height (hello growth spurt!) and the 16th percentile for her BMI. Juno gets pretty nervous, scared and shy in certain situations (especially recently) so going to the doctor has been really scary for her, but we practiced so much before this appointment and overall she did so much better than the last time we had to go. We had been playing doctor for weeks, reading books about the doctor, talking about it a lot and her lovie giraffe got to come with this time to have a check up too! Over all our sweet girl did so well getting two shots and getting her blood taken for some blood work. After our last experience at the doctor (around 15 months) I left and told Brandon that I was never going to take her to the doctor by myself again. Well, guess what? Because of COVID they are only allowing one parent to come to appoints so I found myself at the doctor by myself with Juno yet again. But, it went so much better this time around. I’m so proud of this brave girl! We are so blessed and do not take for granted for one second that our girl is healthy and growing and happy.

She is still in size three diapers, but we just moved her up to size four nighttime diapers at night so that she isn’t soaking through her jammies anymore. Juno basically skipped right over 12 months clothes and went straight from 9 months or 6-12 months clothes to 12-18 months or 18 months clothes now. While 9/12 month onesies do fit her, 12 months pants are too short on her after her big growth spurt … she’s just tall and skinny, that beauty of ours. Dresses have become our best friend so far this summer since Juno hates getting changed and dressed so much. With a dress, I can chase her around and quickly slip it over her head and then all we have to worry about are pulling her arms through real quick. No pants, buttons or zippers to deal with! I just bought her a bunch of new dresses since she’s going to be living in them! Juno would still prefer to run around naked with no diaper on and now she knows how to cleverly tell me that she has to go potty, even though it’s all just a ploy to get me to take her diaper off. She actually does like to sit on the potty and has gone a handful of times, but usually she will just sit there for one second and then run around around naked until I can capture her again. June Bug is in size 4 shoes and I think we are going to be in trouble with this one because she LOVES putting on and taking off her shoes all day long. She changes shoes multiple times a day. We may need some bigger closets in our house someday :)

We have a major update to report in the sleep department; although I am scared to even put it down in writing in case I jinx it, but holy moly WE HAVE A SLEEPER!! I know I talked about our progress a few months ago, but goodness within the last month Juno has officially started sleeping. Like I’m talking about napping for 2-3 hours a day and sleeping for ten hours at night. I still can’t believe it. Every morning when I wake up, I can’t believe it’s morning and that she has slept all night. Ha! It has been a L-O-N-G journey, but here we are! (Insert all the praise hands here!) It feels amazing to get a full nights sleep every night. Every once in a while we will have to go in, but I think every time that has happened recently it’s because she has a tooth popping through and then she seems to get right back on track once her little teeth are feeling better. She is even napping so well over at Yaya & Papa’s when she is there multiple a times a week so she finally is letting my sweet mama have a nice break during the day while she is there.

Juno now has 8 teeth and her 9th is ready to come through at any moment. She has four on top, three on the bottom and then her first top molar just came in the other day and I can feel the other top molar on the other side about to come through. Molars are no joke … it’s been a bit of a fussier week, but Juno is a champ! She still loves to eat and is just the best eater you’ll ever see. Her favorite foods right now are eggs, hash browns, noodles and mac n’ cheese, grapes, cherry tomatoes, ranch dressing, cuties or mandarin oranges, asparagus and she will do anything for a fruit snack. We are still staying away from avocado (she has an FPIES allergy to avocado so she throws up pretty bad a few hours after having avocado, but we are hopeful she will grow out of this so we will try this again once she turns 2) and cow’s milk because she does have a mild IgE allergy to dairy, but most dairy she does pretty well so she can have yogurt and most cheeses now. Hooray!

Juno is talking more and more all of the sudden and she continues to learn more signs every day. Her favorite words to say right now are: mom, dada, dog, more, cheese, uh-oh, and she’s really perfecting her “b” words and has started saying bubble, bath, baby, ball, bebo (belly button), and butt. She also just started saying papa and yaya too! She can sign pretty much anything and everything and sometimes I have to go look up what sign she is using because she knows more than I do at this point. Being able to communicate with us through sign language and now that she has started saying more words has helped so much with her strong-willed personality. She knows exactly what she wants at all times and she won’t hesitate to grab your finger and drag you along anywhere and everywhere she wants you to go … that is as long as she knows you well! If she doesn’t know you, then you’ll find her in my arms with a handful of my shirt clenched in her fist and her face snuggled into my neck - oh goodness. It takes quite a while for this little love to warm up, but that’s okay. That’s exactly how I was when I was little too … like mama like daughter I guess!

Some of Juno’s favorite things right now are:

-playing in the water (her water table or splash pad have been big hits)

-gardening and watering the flowers

-sidewalk chalk

-picking and smelling the flowers

-exploring the backyard


-the sandbox at Yaya & Papa’s house


-playing with her cousins

-her baby dolls


-reading books before bed

Some of Juno’s not so favorite things right now are:

-going to the doctor or anywhere new or unfamiliar

-diaper changes

-baths (these used to be a favorite, but now she wants to get in and out quickly and does not want water to be poured on her head at all)


-getting ready for bed

-new settings and social situations (sweet pea is so shy until she warms up and feels comfortable)

-not getting her way

We can’t believe our BABY is 18 months old. We love her so stinking much and think she is practically perfect in every way. We thank the Lord for her all day long and we love love love watching her grow and learn every day. Right now I’m looking forward to soaking up all the summer-time, outdoor, family fun while we can. Come August I will be going back to the classroom and Juno will be starting school too! I never thought I’d be returning to work during a pandemic, but that’s what the reality is. While I am excited and ready to go back to work, I know it’s going to be a big adjustment for our family especially while we navigate COVID19 in the midst of all of it. We have Juno signed up for three days of daycare and then my mom will watch her the other two days. I think it will be a great mix of socialization and “school” and special time with her grandma too. I know that the first few weeks of daycare are going to be hard while Juno gets used to it, but I know that she is going to do great and everything will work out. I know that she is going to eventually love going to school and will love being around friends all day. I’m so glad I was able to take this whole year off to be with her — to watch her grow, to spend every day with her, to be more flexible, to be able to be home to put her down for so many of her naps, to spend time with cousins and family on the daily — what a huge blessing it has been. So for now, I’m going to soak up this time with her, enjoy the summer and be present! I wanted to end this post by giving a HUGE thank you to all of my photography family (new and old) because without all of you, taking a year off from teaching wouldn’t have ever been an option! I’m so, so grateful and I’m cherishing every last single second of parenting leave and I’m so grateful for every single session I have had over the past year and that I have scheduled over the next month and half. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Juno is 15 Months Old

Well three months have gone by since I wrote Juno’s 12 month update, but I still want to blog about our sweet girl every so often — mostly for myself so I never forget all of the big things she’s doing right now. As I begin this post, Juno is currently nestled on my chest, asleep in my arms as I am reclined in her rocking chair in her room. Clearly nothing much has changed in the past three months. This little one still just prefers to nap on her mama so for now I’m going to cherish every moment because I know I’ll be begging for her cuddles some day not too far away. And plus, most days she really does nap in her crib now…

Overall we have come a LONG way in the sleep department. Right around 13 months old, we started working with a child developmental specialist to get some advice and help with Juno’s sleep. Prior to this, she rarely napped and almost never napped in her crib and our nights were pretty rough with wake ups every 2-3 hours. So when talking with the sleep consultant, I was all ears and we were eager to try anything and everything she advised. Less than two weeks later and Juno made it through her very first night without a feeding and a week after that she made it through her very first night of sleep without a feeding AND without any wake ups! It took just about 14 months, but we were so happy that we knew she could do it now! At first these nights were few and far between but now I ’d say that she sleeps through the night (she’ll do a 9-10 hour stretch) most nights. She still wakes up most nights but she has gotten so much better at self-soothing and going back to sleep on her own. Every so often we will still have to go in and rock her or nurse her, but I’d say the good nights outweigh the bad now and for that I am so grateful! One time she even made it 11 hours! So in the grand scheme of things, we’ve made progress that I never thought would happen and I’m feeling so much better and more rested these days. We are right in the midst of transitioning from two naps to one nap so depending on the day she’ll either take one nap, two naps or no nap. Ha!

Let’s see… what else is new in the last few months? I think she had just taken her first steps when I last wrote and now she is full on running to the point where I have to tell her to slow down often. She is very active and loves to be outside digging in the dirt or running around the yard with Remi. We have been loving the weather lately and have been going on long walks and playing at the park a lot. [Update: no longer playing at the park — when I first started writing this blog post, all was still well in our little world and the Coronavirus restrictions hadn’t hit us yet like they have now]. She points out every airplane in the sky along with every bird, rabbit or squirrel she sees!

Juno is communicating more and more everyday. We love all of the little (and loud) sounds she makes. She can say dog (“d-oo-g”), woof woof, mama and dada and she’s starting to use a lot more sign language as well. She can sign dog, bird, airplane, more, all done, eat, hi and bye and she seems to pick up a new sign everyday! She has been loving watching the Baby Signing Time videos.

Some of Juno’s other favorite things right now include:

-playing the harmonica

-climbing on and patting Remington

-all of her cousins

-Remington and all dogs for that matter (she walks around going “woof woof woof” all the time)

-scribbling and coloring on paper or with sidewalk chalk

-washing her hands (we are thankful for this one amidst the coronavirus pandemic right now)

-bubble baths

-feeding the dog and giving her treats

-eating (this girl can EAT and sit at the table for a long time)

-taking care of her baby doll

-temper tantrums (ha!)

-FaceTime — we are so grateful to have this technology while we are so dearly missing our family while we #stayathome — she loves talking to her Yaya and Papa and their dog Paisley, Grandma and Grandpa, her cousins and even her Great Grandma too!

Juno’s not so favorite things right now include:

-diaper changes and getting dressed — she’d run around naked all day if she could

-when we lay her in her crib and walk out of her bedroom — the separation anxiety is real bad right now

-when we tell her “no” or take away something she wants or do something she doesn’t want to do

-going to the doctor - we had a bit of traumatic experience a few weeks ago when I took her in to get her ears checked. You know it’s bad when you can’t even get her weight because she is clinging to mom so hard and when the doctor comes in to help the nurse because she can hear the screaming throughout the whole office. In Juno’s little mind and heart, this was SO scary for her. This was our first really hard trip to the doctor. Her ears were fine; the doctor diagnosed her with “fussy baby syndrome”. Oh goodness.

Juno weighs about 18 lbs 5 oz and I have no idea how tall she is now, but I’m thinking not much taller than last time since her 6-9 month pants still fit her. Haha! Her 12 month clothes are just barely starting to fit. She’s still in size three diapers but I think she’d prefer to not where a diaper at all if she had her way. She’s gone potty on the toilet three times so far and always likes to sit on the toilet whenever she is in the bathroom.

The debate is still out on what color her hair is (red, brown, strawberry blonde)? It always looks different. It’s growing so long and is almost long enough to put up in a little pony tail on top of her head, although I doubt she will let me do that once it is long enough. She doesn’t like bows or headbands at all right now. Her eyes are still bright blue and just the prettiest eyes we have ever seen. Juno now has 6 teeth (2 on the bottom and 4 on the top that aren’t quite all the way in yet). We love Juno’s big personality and we melt to the floor when she out of nowhere leans over and gives us a kiss.

Juno has been SO happy lately — she loves being independent and she thinks she’s a big kid all of the sudden. She runs around talking and laughing and pointing and clapping. She can go up and down the stairs completely independently and her newest favorite thing is to stand on her “stand-y” at the island and help us cook or bake. She likes to eat her snacks here too.

The past couple of weeks as things have progressed everyday with the coronavirus, I’ve been trying to just soak up my time with her and view the world from her eyes. In her mind, she doesn’t know that the world is facing a crisis and she thinks it’s pretty great that I get to be home with her all day every day. Mom doesn’t have to work anymore? GREAT! Mom gets to play with me around the clock? EVEN BETTER! Juno literally stops and squeals with delight at every bird, airplane, squirrel, pile of mud … you name it and it amazes her. Wouldn’t the world be such a better place even amidst these hard times if we took just a little time each day to view the world from a child’s perspective? I’ve also been trying to intentionally put down my phone, turn off the news and just play with her when she is awake. I know that babies and kids can read us like a book when it comes to our emotions and how we are feeling and the last thing I want is for her to feel even a smidgen of the anxiety, fear or stress I might be feeling so amidst all of this I’m trying to be intentional about counting my blessings and not taking one second of the time I have with my little love and our family for granted.

Juno Elizabeth, you are perfect in every way. We love you so stinking much. You are our girl, forever, and are the biggest blessing!

Raegan Grace: A Ken Caryl Maternity Shoot & Newborn Studio Session

My sweet friends, Nicole and Travis, welcomed their second baby girl in November. A few weeks before she entered the world we met in Ken Caryl Ranch to take their maternity photos before they became a family of four. They welcomed Raegan Grace a few weeks later who was 6 lbs 4 oz and such a little peanut. It was so fun to get to meet her and take her newborn photos. Big sister, Abby, was such a good helper and is just the best big sister already. I’m so happy for this sweet family!

Doesn’t this last photo just say it all?!

Fall Favorites (in March)

Well it’s officially March — and I here I am finally blogging about Fall — HA! My last post was just after the New Year in which I stated that my goal was to blog twice a month. Here we are almost two months later, BUT better late than never, amiright?!

Fall photos are my absolute favorite. I LOVE the colors, the leaves, the snow, the sun, the families … all of it! Grab a cup of coffee because I have so many photos to share. For all of you that had your family photos done in the Fall, thank you so, so, SO much!

Now bring on Spring, sunshine, warm weather, flowers and more photo shoots — this girl is ready for Spring over here!

Happy New Year - Welcome 2020!

Goodness, how we are already 14 days into the new year is beyond me! With a very busy December and start to January, I’m finally getting back into the swing of things and starting to get caught up. With Thanksgiving followed by Juno’s first birthday, then Christmas and New Years, other family member’s birthdays and photographing a winter wedding, we just have been busy over here. But now we are two weeks into the new year and are getting back into our routine. One of my goals for this year is to blog at least once or twice a month. We’ll see how it goes! To kick us off, I always like to take a quick look back on the previous year — it helps me to reflect and start the new year off with a mindset of gratitude. While I normally have this post ready to go by New Years Eve, I’ve learned that things just don’t quite happen like you think they will when you have a little one running around (and by running, I mean literally RUNNING around — right after Christmas June Bug decided she was ready to fully conquer this whole walking thing. Now she barely crawls at all anymore. See the walking video below. My baby is now a toddler — be still my heart!). This past year I’ve learned that work will wait and our to-do lists can grow but these are the moments we don’t want to miss.

Okay, here we go …

2019 was just full of our June Bug. Being that it was Juno’s very first trip around the sun, we experienced a whole lot of firsts, a whole lot of love and a whole lot of smiles. Simply put, this past year was hands down the very best. In 2019, I blogged every month about our growing girl. Here are all the links to look back at each month.

Phew! Now that she’s over a year old, I’ll blog every few months about that sweet girl of ours.

Here are some of our other favorite moments from this past year — I love sharing some of our “everyday” photos (mostly all taken with our iPhones because that’s the camera we have on us everyday). 2019 started with the birth of our sweet nephew, Raleigh, who came just after the New Year one year ago. The year was filled with baby snuggles, lots of cousin time for Juno (she’s so lucky to be surrounded by cousins on both sides) and lots of sister time for me (we both took a leave from teaching this school year), family, camping trips, swimming pools, all of the holidays and so much more. We are truly blessed.

This past year was also full of many, many sweet portrait sessions — new clients, past clients, clients that come back year after year. You guys made our year SO good. We are so grateful for each and every one of you. We hope that your photos were easy breezy and FUN. That’s always our goal. If there is anything we can do better for your next session, we are all ears! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for letting us capture your memories.

This year we grew a lot as a photography business and it’s been amazing to see how far we’ve come over the past 8 years. This year we photographed families, kids, newborns, weddings, engagements, gender reveals, growing bellies, architecture, senior portraits and headshots. We loved it ALL. This Fall was extremely busy — so much so that blogging went by the wayside (as it seems to always do in the Fall) so my very next blog post will be all of our fun Fall session highlights — if you had photos done in the Fall, don’t worry, we didn’t forget about you! Hopefully this also gave you time to get your holiday cards out without me spoiling your photos beforehand! Here’s just a very quick glimpse of a handful of Fall faves … more to come very soon!


Lastly, in the Fall we broke ground on a photography studio! For those who maybe don’t follow along on social media, we are putting the finishing touches on our very own studio that we built in our backyard. And when I say “we” I really mean Brandon. Brandon built it. From the ground up. Isn’t he amazing? We’ve had a lot of help along the way — my mom who has helped from the start making our vision come to life, my dad who helped stand up the walls and did some heavy lifting, Brandon’s workers who helped with the roof and the drywall — thank you everyone!  This has been a dream of mine for many years and I am so happy that’s happening! One day we took a look at our backyard, realized how big it actually is, and decided WHY NOT! We are hoping that we will be open for business come the beginning of the February — stay tuned and we will keep you posted! Our hope is to use our studio for everything from newborns and babies, maternity sessions, themed mini sessions, headshots, kids, and even families! Of course, we will still be booking sessions outside, but we also hope to do some major landscaping this spring and summer and that way clients can have the best of both worlds in one session — a little bit of outdoors and a little studio as well, if wanted! We recently got the floors put in the studio and Juno approves of them! She has so much fun running around the studio while Brandon works.

What a year 2019 was! We can’t wait to see how 2020 unfolds. My hope this year is to stay more present, work hard, live in the moment and cherish every day with our family. Wishing all our clients, family and friends a wonderful New Year!


The Lamar Family - Sunset Session at Three Pond

I’ve known The Lamar family for many, many years (since the oldest of the 4 kids was probably around 2 years old - he’s now a sophomore in high school!) and over the years they have become such great friends. They’ve known me through many life stages — college, grad school, starting my career as a teacher AND a photographer, marriage and having my first baby — and have supported me through babysitting to being one of my first guinea pig families to practice portraits on to now being one of my longest, always-returning clients for my business. Needless to say, I have been truly blessed by this sweet family.

We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful evening for their family photos this year. The weather was perfect and the lighting was gorgeous and they make my job as a photographer so easy. I always love getting to capture these four kids as they grow year after year, and I always love when grandparents tag along and hop in a few photos as well! Molly and Chris, thank you for always entrusting me to capture your beautiful family! You all are the b.e.s.t!

A Sweet Newborn Session: Welcome to the World Baby Nathan

Adria and Gavin welcomed their baby boy, Nathan Thomas, into the world on August 12, 2019. This little peanut was such a trooper throughout his whole photo shoot. He stayed asleep through almost all of it and was just so, so sweet. It was such an honor getting to photograph this beautiful baby boy at just 11 days old. There is just something about getting to hold a newborn that does your soul good.

Adria and Gavin, thank you so much for letting me capture your little bundle of joy. I already know that you two will be the most loving parents to your little man. Nathan is so lucky to be yours. Wishing you all the best in the world. Enjoy every moment of this stage — it goes by in the blink of an eye!

Jack & Ruby - A Darling Denver Studio Session

This darling session was so much fun! I absolutely l.o.v.e when a client has an idea in their head that I can help bring about. Jack and Ruby’s momma, Leslie, had been wanting to do some studio shots for a while now and we finally got them done. August actually turned out to be the perfect time to do these because both Jack and Ruby celebrate birthdays in August. Jack just turned 5 and Ruby just turned 3. Happy birthday to these little loves! Leslie’s vision is to choose one photo of Jack, one of Ruby and possibly one of Oskar (he’s a Bernese Mountain Dog just like Remington), to make big prints of them, frame them in simple, modern frames, and have them become a unique duo or trio of art in their home. I loved these photos in both black and white and color … I can’t wait to see which ones Leslie chooses to print and frame. I’ll post a picture of the final product once she does!

Studio sessions are some of my absolute favorites. I love getting to set up the strobes and create the perfect lighting. I love how simple and beautiful the photos always turn out to be. I love how studio sessions turn out so unique. And, if you haven’t already heard, we are so excited to announce that we just broke ground on building our very own photography studio in our back yard! Instead of having to set up and tear down our in-home studio all the time, we will simply walk out back where we will have a studio ready to go year-round. We envision a lot of these types of sessions as well as themed mini-sessions, holiday sessions, headshots, newborn and baby sessions, and the list goes on. You can follow our studio build over on my instagram. I have a highlighted story called “Studio Build” where you can stay up to date on our exciting new studio!

Jack and Ruby, we love you so much! May years five and three be filled with so much joy! Xoxo

A Darling Colorado Back To School Session

I have been busy with so many fun back to school sessions lately and this darling session was no exception. Here in Colorado we go back to school so stinking early (the beginning of August is still SUMMER in my opinion), but I’m not going to complain because these bright, summery sessions give me all the feels! Back to school season is such a good time to get portraits done … what a great way to document and cherish the stage your children are in right now before they are another year older because we all know how fast it goes!

Bennett and Megan are as cute as can be and even more sweet. I had the greatest privilege being Bennett’s 1st grade teacher this past school year. What a lucky teacher I was to have him in my class. His smile is contagious, he is ALWAYS happy, he loves everyone around him and he is going to do amazing things — he already is! This was my first time meeting his big sis, Megan, but she’s off to 8th grade and just from spending an hour together, I can already tell that her family and friends are blessed by her. She is polite, loves her little brother, and is so beautiful inside and out! I think there are good things in store for her for her final year of middle school!

Bennett and Megan, I wish you all the best this year. Your teachers are so lucky to have you in their class(es) this year (I know from experience!), and your friends are so lucky to have you by their sides. Bennett, you are going to love second grade. Keep smiling and bringing joy to everyone around you. Megan, enjoy every minute of your last year middle school. You are going to do awesome!

Doesn’t Bennett make the cutest little assistant you’ve ever seen? I wish I could bring him along to all of my sessions! Thanks for helping, sweet boy!