August 19. Reflection.

Tomorrow we arrive in Boston where I will be catching a flight to Denver, which means that my trip is coming to a bitter-sweet end. I'm sad that my adventure is already over... I feel like I just left the other day. Time really does fly by. I'm sad that I won't be in a different country every week anymore, and I'm especially sad that I have to leave all the wonderful friends that I have made since I've been gone. But I'm also excited to see my family and friends at home... I sure have missed everyone...and I'm excited to get back to "real" life. As I reflect over the past two months, I've realized that this was an adventure of a lifetime, and an amazing opportunity that I'm so grateful I got to experience. Here's a little bit of what I've learned over the past two months:

I've learned that I'm grateful for my home, my friends and my family. Over the past two months I've gotten to know a lot of the crew that work on the ship. They work continually on the ship for nine months straight and then get a two month vacation before spending another nine straight months on the ship. I can't imagine only getting to see my family for two months every nine months, especially considering how much I miss my family and I've only been away for two months. I can't imagine how much all the crew miss their friends and family, and I'm really blessed that I am able to see my friends and family whenever I want to.

I've learned that I'm grateful for my education. One of my crew friends told me one night that he wishes he would have had the opportunity to go to college. This made me realize how privileged I am that I do get to go to college and earn a degree. This also made me realize how lucky I am that I got to go to school on a ship while traveling the world for the last two months.

I've learned that I'm very very grateful and blessed that I was able to experience all these new places, divulge in new cultures and meet new people from all over the world.

I've learned that I shouldn't take anything for granted.

I've learned that people everywhere are all the same. We all have the same needs and wants even when we look different and live different lifestyles.

I've learned that I really love the ocean, and will be sad when I won't get to see it everyday in Colorado.

I've learned that it's okay to be a little messy, it's okay to stay up late, it's okay if my neighbors want to scream and yell at four a.m. when I have an eight a.m. class. I will survive.

I've learned that a lot of people don't like having their pictures taken, especially in Morocco.

I've learned that beauty is everywhere.

I've learned that a smile is a universal way to communicate, and I've learned that most people are very friendly if you are friendly to them, even if you don't speak the same language.

I've learned that friendships are priceless and worth preserving.

I've learned that the ship does in fact run out of peanut butter, and I'm really glad I brought a jar with me.

I've learned that I'm really afraid of monkeys and snakes. These animals should not be running wild through the souks of Marrakech.

Ive learned a lot about ships, boats, water and the ocean.

I've learned that I love to travel and want to see the whole world someday.

I've learned that there are a lot of kids in the world who don't have homes. I wish I could have taken all the kids who were at the orphanage I went to in Bulgaria home with me.

I've learned that traffic lights, stop signs and cross walks are just recommendations, and that pedestrians do not come first over here. I've learned to look both ways over and over again before crossing streets, especially in Morocco where I really would have felt better if there were some sort of traffic signals.

I've learned that there really is a God. How else did this wonderful, beautiful, complex world get here?

I've learned that no matter how hard I try I really really hate to shop.

I've learned that I'm thankful to have feet, even if mine do hurt all the time.

I've learned that living "dorm- room" style for 2 months is just enough time for me.

I've learned a lot of Spanish and I've learned how to say "take me to the ship port terminal" in addition to some words in Italian, Croatian, Greek, Bulgarian, Turkish, Arabic and Tagalog.

I've learned that I am not a good student when it comes to lecture hall classes with 700 students in it. I do not pay attention when there are so many people around me. I'm glad I go to an art school where my biggest class has 35 people in it.

I've learned that I'm incredibly blessed to have a wonderful family and great friends. Did I already mention that? Can you tell I missed you?

Over the past two months, I've realized how thankful, lucky and grateful I am that I got to spend my summer traveling, seeing new places, experiencing new cultures, meeting new people and making new friends. This really was a trip of a lifetime that I will remember forever.