Well, since I have two weeks until I graduate I figured I should finally blog. The quarter has flown by! I have been so busy this quarter getting everything done to graduate, focusing on my classes, working, etc. Here's a little glimpse of all that I have done over the past few months. Let's see... I've shot jewelry for an awesome company, August Designs Jewelry, which was started by one of my good friends (You should definitely check it out... you won't regret it!), and I also shot a few head shots of the owners while I was it! ... I went to California, which I already blogged about ... I hiked around Rocky Mountain National Park, which was beyond beautiful and much needed to soothe my soul. I watched the sunset over Sprague Lake ... I went on a field trip with my Advertising Campaign class to the Denver Botanic Gardens. The Kizuna exhibit was going on, which features amazing bamboo installations from two very talented artists, Tetsunori Kawana and Stephen Talasnik. The exhibit goes until November 4th so if you are in the Denver area you should probably go see it! ... I went to a rodeo, the Refuse to Lose rodeo that benefits cancer victims and their families. My cousin, a former bull-rider himself, is now a bull fighter (AKA, a rodeo clown who distracts the wild bulls after the riders fall off), and I was able to photograph him for one of my classes and my portfolio (Yes, he is the good-looking cowboy with no front teeth!) ... I re-built my entire website ... And I even learned how to use Adobe Illustrator a little bit. It's been one eventful quarter, and it isn't done yet! Stay tuned for more projects, my portfolios and more photos in a couple weeks!